Amira (BP 1)

  • Season: Early Season
  • Main characteristic/s: Excellent fruit quality
  • Breeder: Berryplant, Italy
Characteristics of Amira (BP 1)
  • Excellent fruit quality
  • High productivity
  • Good flavour
  • Easy, quick picking
Cropping Season
In Northern Italy, the primocane fruit production period is from 3rd week of July to end of September and middle June to end of July on the floricane.

Fruit Quality
High quality, conical shaped, firm fruit, with good flavour and medium to long shelf life. Amira darkens more quickly compared with other varieties and is commonly harvested at pink stage to preserve quality for the fresh market.

Fruit Yield
Amira has a high yield potential, averaging 1kg/plant for primocane crop.

Plant Characteristics
Plants are moderately vigorous, about half of the buds at the top of the canes flowering for primocane production and the lower buds flower in the second year. Some kind of trellis support is recommended to maximize the yield potential.

Disease Resistance
Amira is tolerant to the main raspberry pests and diseases.

Plant Supply
Amira (under registered name: BP 1) is protected under Mexican Plant Variety Rights Registration No. 945. The propagation and sale of plants, or parts of plants, of Amira without a licence is prohibited.