Haskap – the fifth berry?
Last week, representatives from Meiosis attended the 2017 Haskap Conference in Poland. Growers, propagators and researchers from Europe and Canada came together to share knowledge and experience of the crop.

Haskap variety ‘Aurora’, photo credit: Meiosis Ltd.
Haskap, otherwise referred to as ‘Honeyberry’, is the fruit of Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica. It is considered by some to have potential to become the ‘fifth berry’ after strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry. Berries are an elongated tear-drop shape and have a dark blue skin. Their flavour can range from tart to quite sweet depending on the variety. The high content of health-promoting compounds, such as anthocyanins and anti- inflammatory iridoids, make this fruit attractive to growers and consumers alike. Time will tell whether this new crop will find a place in the European market.